
絶品ベジタリアンカレー!白菜ポテトなすを使った本格インド料理 | Indian Cuisine: Napa Cabbage Potato Eggplant Curry



  • 白菜:400~500g(1/4個)
  • 茄子(なす):160g(約2個)
  • じゃがいも:300g(約3個)
  • 玉ねぎ:250g(約1個大)
  • トマト:200g(約1~2個)


  • カレーパウダー:25g(約2大さじ)購入先
  • クミンホール:10g(約2小さじ)購入先


  • ニンニク:25g(約6片)
  • しょうが:15g(約1片分)
  • 塩:20g(約3小さじ半)
  • 油:60ml(約4大さじ)
  • 水:500ml


  • パクチー(お好みで):適量(みじん切り)


  1. 野菜の下処理
  • 白菜、じゃがいも、ナスを一口大に切ります。 – [00:00]
  • 玉ねぎ、ニンニク、しょうがをみじん切りにします。 – [01:47]
  • トマトを一口大に切り、パクチーをみじん切りにします(お好みで)。 – [02:40]
  1. 炒める
  • 鍋に油を入れ、クミンと玉ねぎを加え少し炒めます。 – [03:22]
  • ニンニクとしょうがを加え、さらに約3分炒めます。 – [04:11]
  1. 野菜を加える
  • 野菜を鍋に加え、上から塩を均等に振りかけます。 – [05:03]
  • 白菜がしんなりし、野菜の水分が半分になるまで7~8分炒めます。 – [05:23]
  1. カレーパウダーを加える
  • カレーパウダーを加え、じゃがいもが柔らかくなるまで約3分炒めます。 – [05:42]
  1. トマトを加える
  • じゃがいもが柔らかくなったらトマトを加え、約5分混ぜながら炒めます。 – [06:38]
  1. 煮込む
  • 野菜から出た水分がなくなったら、水を加えてひと煮立ちさせます。 – [07:04]
  • 2~3分煮込んだら、塩で味を調えます。 – [07:40]
  1. 仕上げ
  • お好みでパクチーのみじん切りを上から振りかけて完成です。 – [08:01]

This curry is a vegetarian delight, where the spotlight shines brightly on the richly aromatic curry powder. Napa cabbage, potatoes, and eggplant – nutritious and wholesome vegetables – perfectly blend with the complex and deep flavors of the chosen curry powder. The essence of this dish lies in the aromatic journey that the curry powder embarks upon, enhancing the natural tastes of the vegetables and bringing a layered complexity to every bite. Complemented by the unique fragrance of cumin, the curry gains an additional dimension of flavor, offering a pleasant zest and a fulfilling experience. A sprinkle of fresh cilantro adds a burst of freshness, contrasting beautifully with the spicy curry. Easy to make at home, this curry transforms an everyday meal into an extraordinary feast with the power of spices. Perfectly paired with any rice or bread, this dish invites you to relish the authentic flavors of Indian cuisine.

Ingredients (Serves 2-3)


  • Napa Cabbage: 400-500g (about 1/4 of a head)
  • Eggplant: 160g (about 2 small ones)
  • Potatoes: 300g (about 3 medium)
  • Onion: 250g (about 1 large)
  • Tomatoes: 200g (about 1-2 medium)

Spices & Seasonings

  • Garlic: 25g (about 6 cloves)
  • Ginger: 15g (about a 1-inch piece)
  • Fresh Cilantro (optional, to taste): finely chopped
  • Curry Powder: 25g (about 2 tablespoons) Purchase here
  • Whole Cumin Seeds: 10g (about 2 teaspoons) Purchase here
  • Salt: 20g (about 3.5 teaspoons)
  • Cooking Oil: 60ml (about 4 tablespoons)
  • Water: 500ml


  1. Prep the Vegetables:
  • Cut the Napa cabbage, potatoes, and eggplants into bite-sized pieces. – [00:00]
  • Finely chop the onion, garlic, and ginger. – [01:47]
  • Dice the tomatoes and finely chop the cilantro (if using). – [02:40]
  1. Cooking Process:
  2. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the cumin seeds and onions until they start to soften. – [03:22]
  3. Add the garlic and ginger, continuing to fry for about 3 minutes until fragrant. – [04:11]
  4. Introduce the vegetables to the pan, sprinkling salt evenly over them. Fry until the Napa cabbage softens and the water content reduces by half, about 7-8 minutes. – [05:03]
  5. Stir in the curry powder and continue frying until the potatoes are tender, about 3 minutes. – [05:42]
  6. Once the potatoes are soft, add the tomatoes and fry for another 5 minutes, mixing well. – [06:38]
  7. When the liquid from the vegetables has mostly evaporated, add water and bring to a simmer. – [07:04]
  8. Simmer for 2-3 minutes, then adjust the seasoning with salt to taste. – [07:40]
  9. Garnish with chopped cilantro, if desired, to serve. – [08:01]


